Address for GPS or mapping app: Rance Staley Rd 2325, Roaring River, NC 28669
From Charlotte Area (Approx. 1Hr 20Min.):
From Lenoir area: (Approx. 1 Hr):
From Boone Area (Approx. 1 Hr):
For all, from Windy Gap Road:
From Charlotte Area (Approx. 1Hr 20Min.):
- I-77 North to Exit 73B
- US 421 North to Windy Gap/SpeedWay Rd.(Exit #277)
- Right on Windy Gap Rd
From Lenoir area: (Approx. 1 Hr):
- NC 18 North to NC 16
- Turn Left on NC 18 / NC 16
- Follow toward N. Wilkesboro
- Turn Right on to US 421 South
- US 421 to Windy Gap/SpeedWay Rd.(Exit #277)
- Turn Left on to Windy Gap Rd
From Boone Area (Approx. 1 Hr):
- Follow US 421 South past Wilkesboro
- US 421 to Windy Gap/SpeedWay Rd.(Exit #277)
- Turn Left on to Windy Gap Rd
For all, from Windy Gap Road:
- Take second Right on to Antioch Church Rd
- Next Right on to Ranse Staley Rd
- At the bottom of the hill (before creek) turn left onto dirt road (Green road address sign #700)